Monday, October 17, 2016

Journal #3 - Educational Evolution in Technology

Klopfer, E. (2009). The Instructional Power of Digital Games, Social Networking, Simulations and how Teachers Can Leverage Them. Retrieved October 17, 2016, from

Summary:  I think we have come a long way since the above mentioned Klopfer article was written in 2009.  Pedagogy, or the method of teaching, has evolved over hundreds of years,.  With the incorporation of technology into the classroom a teacher can continue this evolution.  By incorporating technology, be it games or social networking, a teacher can nurture the learning process.  Students today can learn how to maximize their technological devices and use them for more than just posting pictures of cute kitties, for example.  Yes, you can post cute kitties to a social network, but you can also meet with a study group online or collaborate on a group project in real time using the same medium as you would for the kitties.  The incorporation of technology into the classroom brings value and reinforcement to the overall education.

Q1. Klopfer references MySpace and SimCity within his passage, and although these were excellent references when the passage was written in 2009, this technology is no longer widely used by today’s students.  What would comparable platforms in the lives of today’s students?

A1.  GroupMe, Instagram, Snapchat, Minecraft

Q2: Give three examples, and provide url’s, of software programs or applications that are embraced by k-12 public and/or private schools:


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